



GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals (“GreenScreen®”),是一項通用式化學品安全評估方法與工具,協助辨識高度關切的化學品和選擇更安全的替代品。包括蘋果公司(Apple Inc.)、沃爾瑪超市(Walmart Inc)、蒂斯曼集團(Royal DSM N.V.)等國際品牌已經導入GreenScreen®於企業的化學品安全選用、以及支持投資者永續倡議,具體實踐責任生產、支持循環經濟與聯合國永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs)。

SAHTECH同時也是化學足跡CFP(Chemical Footprint Project)驗證機構,倡議運用CFP系統方法來檢視企業和價值鏈完善管理化學品進程,具備可比較性、可量化性、以及未來性。SAHTECH提供掌握化學品安全評估的重要科學涵養,以及協助企業落實化學品管理的明確作法,能夠深入協助企業邁向責任生產、安全選用化學品的立基點,提供公司內部溝通、整體價值鏈的具體建議與行動方案,與企業共同實踐對社會與環境的永續承諾,追求更高產品市場定位。



SAHTECH joins Clean Production Action (CPA) to become the first Certified GreenScreen® Consultant in Asia-Pacific region, serving companies to advance their safer chemical uses and product chemical footprint initiatives. 

GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals (“GreenScreen®”), a method of chemical hazard assessment and benchmarking that supports the identification of chemicals of concern and safer alternatives. Brand companies such as Apple, Walmart and Royal DSM have adopted the GreenScreen® to support product selection and investor indication in supporting responsible production and circular economic SDGs.

SAHTECH, with expertise in chemical safety assessment, is actively assisting companies in holistic chemical management practice to achieve responsible production and safer choice for chemical substances by in-depth advice and action plans. Please contact gochem@sahtech.org or go for https://www.gochemgo.com/greenscreen for more information about our brand-new GreenScreen® Consulting Service.